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No Pain, No Gain? STOP!
You know for DECADES now, I have demonstrated that you can exercise…dare I say train HARD…SAFELY…EFFECTIVELY…and NOT have to HURT for it!...
DON’T WAIT until you have to!
I’m often asked what we can do every day to increase our overall motion and improve our comfort. “What can I 'train' every day, Mike?”...
Rolling exercises are playing a “MAJOR ROLL”…pardon the pun, in my training repertoire these days…for myself and clients alike. Why?...
Longevity Squat PLUS
Tight…stiff…sore hips? Oh…I hear you;) Motion within and around our hips is absolutely KEY in order for us to move and feel better every...
BETTER Mobility…It’s NOT What You Think
As I age, I realize that I need to continue to “PUSH” the boundaries of my training…as always, SMART FIRST but put in the HARD WORK as...
Longevity Squat for YOU
Do you struggle with knee, hip, back, and/or neck pain? And on top of that…is squatting a chore? Whether you’re in the gym or just...
Relax and ROLL with ME
If you’re like me and have various aches and pains (or just feel really stiff), you might think: ”I have to do this for my ankle or that...
Here’s something I do EVERYDAY… and you can too! It will not only loosen up your body but help you relax as well. I like to do this...
A question I’m often asked is… ”Is there anything I can do every day to help me relax? Yes, there is… FOAM ROLLING! It was popular for a...
Longevity SQUAT
Do you struggle with low back…hip and/or knee pain? And on top of that…do you struggle with squatting…whether it’s in the gym or just...
Hi Fam! A question I’m often asked is... ”Is there anything I can do every day to help me relax? Yes, there is. Because A LOT of us have...
My title this week is tongue-in-cheek. And I know saying “Just RELAX!” will get a few eye rolls. 🙄 But to successfully REDUCE TENSION in...
Shoulder MOBILITY that really WORKS!
Ever wake up feeling “achy-breaky”? What I mean is everything just feels stiff, tight…maybe even sore? I know I do on most days:) And...
Do you have “ROUNDED SHOULDERS”? Or struggle with “FORWARD HEAD POSTURE”? Well, you’re not alone. Feel like you always have to remind...
Believe it or not, the function of your foot can have A LOT to do with the function of your pelvic floor and muscles in and around your...
MOBILITY for Longevity
What I have for you today are a couple of my favorite SMART STRATEGIES that can help us with MOBILITY. But I’m not gonna lie…it takes...
If your goal is to improve your “mobility” and reduce pain, which is commonplace as we age…I have no doubt you’ve explored numerous...
Ageless Squat
LONGEVITY and improving our HEATHSPAN is all about how CAPABLE we are for our life. It’s about being “ABLE-BODIED” to do what we want to...
Don’t slouch…Sit up straight…STOP already!
In this week’s email, I want to address “slouched posture,”…aka, ROUNDED SHOULDERS…what it really is and what we can do about it. And if...
SITTING doesn’t have to HURT…TRY THIS!
Recently, I’ve been asked by numerous clients about sitting for long periods of time and how terrible it feels once you get up and start...
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