A question I’m often asked is… ”Is there anything I can do every day to help me relax?
Yes, there is… FOAM ROLLING!
It was popular for a long time, but like most things in the health and fitness industry, its popularity waned.
But today, I have a different way that you can use a foam roller. And you’ll get DRAMATIC changes in your mobility… for the better!
Here’s the thing, to successfully REDUCE TENSION in our bodies, we really need to pay attention and be aware. That’s because our ability to relax and decompress (destress), requires our undivided attention.
So, this practice should be performed in a QUIET SPACE that is as free of as many distractions as possible.
And ROLLING is a practice that gives our brain and body a feeling of safety…helping us to relax.
Here’s what you’re gonna need:
-Foam Roller
-Clear/Comfortable/Quiet space
-Maybe something for your head and neck
🫁Breathing sequence:
Check out my video below. Sound ON! 🔊
Here’s what you’re gonna do:
-Lie on your side with the foam roller at chest height (NOT under your armpit!)
-Roll forward until you feel some weight on your OUTSIDE BOTTOM KNEE
-Side bend over the roller. Your torso should be parallel to the ground
-Neck relaxed (You might need something for your head/neck)
-Quiet NASAL INHALE. As you softly mouth exhale, MELT into the roller.
-Keep SAGGING throughout!
-Practice: 4rds x 5-7 breaths/each side x 1-2x DAILY
Notice how you move and feel afterward. Lighter? Looser? Any different?
Practice DAILY as part of your EVERYDAY routine and enjoy feeling better afterward!
Dedicated to your health and longevity,
P.S. Take your movement practice to the next level! At Longevity Personal Fitness, I'll help you train smart, change the way you move, and feel good. My approach will help you feel strong, coordinated, flexible, and capable...all without wearing yourself down. START HERE TODAY with my practice for reducing tension and body fatigue.
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