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How to use your FOAM ROLLER correctly…it’s NOT what you think!

Aging successfully…meaning being “ABLE” to do the things you want to do and love…requires not only a PURPOSEFUL but a THOUGHTFUL approach to exercise.

Most people (myself included) struggle to move well because of our biases and limitations, which ultimately leads to reduced ranges of motion…like everywhere.

And conventional stretching WON’T get it done because that’s assuming the muscles are to blame…they’re WEAK, TIGHT, etc. But they’re actually NOT THE REASON! The muscles are just a response that ends up getting confused and blamed. 💥Truth bomb: ✔️You don’t need to “ROLL-OUT” or “STRETCH” more. ✔️It’s NOT your Sacroiliac joint, Piriformis, or Iliotibial band. ✔️Is your CORE weak? NOPE! Actually, the “six-pack” may make things worse by compressing us front to back. Believe me…we don’t want that:) Our muscles are simply just the by-product of our “system” (body-type) that’s NOT managing PRESSURE well from the inside and thus we create COMPRESSION…one way or another. Strength training is OBVIOUSLY IMPORTANT, but NOT in this instance…because we CAN’T use the muscles as “strategies” to help ourselves. Prevention is the KEY and our BONES will actually change shape because they’re “soft” matter and will actually move. So, what does this all mean? It means that we actually CAN create EXPANSION from the INSIDE-OUT where we uniquely need it. So, if you feel stiff and sore…like all over…like me, for whatever reason…maybe you haven’t moved in a while or at all…it doesn’t matter…let go of the judgment…here’s a GREAT and SMART place to start. Let’s ROLL! Here’s what you’re gonna need: -Clear/Comfortable space -Foam Roller or something that rolls 💡 I’ve finally found a legitimate reason to use my FOAM ROLLER;) Here’s what you’re gonna do: Start here: Practice INHALING. Find the MOST COMFORTABLE position based on your “body type”: 🤸‍♂️ Loosey-Goosey: You feel SUPER LOOSE and BENDY all over. (LEFT KNEE FWD) 🏋️ Super Stiff: You feel STIFF all over (RIGHT KNEE FWD)

- NASAL ONLY breathing! (Tongue against palate. MOUTH CLOSED!) - LONG EXAGGERATED SILENT INHALE (NO NECK!) Then normal exhale out. - Pause (Breath normally). Wait for the next inhale to come. Repeat. - 8-12 breaths

Here’s what you’re gonna do:

-Lie on either side to start. Head/Neck comfortable.

-Place TOP INNER THIGH on the roller which is parallel to you (TOP FOOT stays in contact with the floor!)

-UPPER BODY is comfortable and remains quiet throughout


-NASAL ONLY breathing!

-FULL MOUTH EXHALE to start: get rid of any stale air


✔️TOP KNEE move SLOWLY, EASILY forward

✔️TOP HIP follows

✔️SACRUM is next

✔️LOWER BACK finishes the movement

-EXHALE: return to starting position


Notice how you feel afterward? You just got BETTER! Enjoy the feeling!

This seemingly “easy” move is what I affectionately call a “sleeper”…it’s deceptively difficult and performing it SMARTLY is a challenge. This move would be a great addition to your warm-up, cool-down, or DAILY recovery strategies.

Dedicated to your health and longevity, Mike

P.S. Curious and want to see if my training style is a good fit for you? Email me for a Complimentary Assessment & 1 Free Orientation Session. No gimmicks, no pressure, just a discussion about you! I want to help you move better and feel stronger. CLICK HERE to learn more.

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